
Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Where Is Jim? - Number 1

Sunnyside beach is bustling with kids of all ages and they are wearing crazy clothes. The kids are clapping for the star as he juggles and two cool kids are doing cannonballs into the ocean. One is so big, it crashes on Lucy’s sandcastle. Lucy shakes her fist and starts building a new sandcastle. Ballerinas line the shore and dance with an attractive boy but he wishes he could juggle. The beach is cool, but where is Jim?


  1. wow, is it venice california?

  2. Hummm... Is it the boardwalk on the Jersey shore? Very interesting blog Evan. I'll be keeping up with it. I used to work with your Dad at Mason. My name is Susan

  3. Hi Evan,

    Been trying to post a comment here for several days now, but haven't had any success.

    Anyway, I'm guessing that Jim is at the back of the crowd, watching the juggler and staying cool with an ice cream.

  4. Thanks for your comments everyone. The answer to the story is in the next story post:)
