
Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Mars 3000 - Chapter 5

“So.” thought Karin. “His name is Robby.” She eventually reached the building, too. “Uh, guys!” she said. “Guys!” The boys were already up the first flight of stairs. Karin felt a quiver. Meanwhile, the boys were running down a narrow hallway inside the building. Behind glass doors sat people reading books, fumbling around with computer equipment, and using laptops and desktop computers. There was even someone hot-wiring television sets, telephones, electric instruments, computer keyboards, you name it. “Hey Bob!” said the man hot wiring electric instruments. “This here is the best electronic orchestra in the world! “Good!” said a man plugging in a scanner. In a flash, a poster size glossy came out of a printer in the back of the room to reveal a picture of a black and red music note. “Awesome!” said the man hot-wiring. “This is for you.” The man said. He peeled off the backing to reveal a sticky surface. “Adhesive! Cool!” said the man hot wiring. The boys were already getting closer to the top of the building, but Karin had seen it all. The roof rumbled. “Is that your stomach Bob?” said the hot-wiring man. “It isn’t even close to lunchtime!” “It’s not my stomach, Fred.” Said Bob. “But with them prowlers about you never know what’s going to blow.”


  1. This is only the first story. More coming soon!

  2. Evan- are they in the building that Mars fell on top of? What are they hot wiring instruments for? I am loving reading this!

  3. Evan I love reading this! I want to read more!!

  4. Your first question is awnsered in the chapter before this one, but anyway, yes. Your second question does not nessicarily need to be awnsered (It will not help with the story and it is meant for imagination.) Thank you alibnork.
    From Evan.
