
Monday, January 19, 2009

Mars 3000 - Chapter 10

“Goodbye, Robby, goodbye Billy.” said Karin as she turned down the street. She could now see her house from a distance. Snow started to fall heavily as she trudged up the street. She could spy Robby and Billy waving at her and she waved back. “Happy birthday, Billy!” called Karin. About ten minutes later, Karin reached her yard. She walked in the door to find her mom there. “Karin, have you been outside this whole time?” she asked. “Oh, yes Mom. I was careful of the red ball and maybe helped get it off those buildings.” “Remember, sweetie.” said Karin’s mother. “Ask first before you go out there. I hope you were close to this house.” her mother now looked stern. “Oh, yes mom!” said Karin. Karin went into the kitchen to find cocoa waiting on the table. “Thank you, mom.” said Karin. Suddenly, the doorbell rang. “Oh, Karin!” said he person who walked in. Karin’s dad. “Hi dad!” said Karin. “There was news about a giant red ball landing on Earth and miraculously, it got lifted off somehow. You two sure look calm.” said Karin’s father. “Oh, yes.” said Karin, taking a sip of hot cocoa. “Oh yes.”


1 comment:

  1. To write comments you are to when here you reach. Sounded like Yoda.
