
Friday, January 16, 2009

Mars 3000 - Chapter 7

The building was shaking furiously. Robby and Billy were holding on to bars on the walls. “This is not a good way to get ready for my birthday.” said Billy. “Don’t worry.” said Robby. “We’ll escape.” DING! The elevator door opened to reveal Karin. “Oh.” said Robby. “It’s that girl again.” “Come with me.” beckoned Karin. Robby and Billy followed. The elevator shot down, Karin and all. “Let’s take some equipment from those techies and try to use some force field on Mars or something.” “Duh!” said Robby. “There is no such thing as a force field that strong!” “Come on!” said Karin. “Let’s just try it! They reached the office and fortunately, it was empty. There were Macs and PCs with screensavers on and an old computer tower that had been taken apart and turned into some kind of insect-like robot that had arms and legs. There was clearly the place where the hot-wiring man stood, all a mound of electronic machines hooked together and the red and black music note glossy that had been printed by the man with a scanner which now sat deserted on the floor. Then, they saw it. Outside, all the techies were running frantically. “Uh oh!” said Karin and Robby together.

1 comment:

  1. That's a great story about Mars falling from the sky!

