
Thursday, January 15, 2009

Mars 3000 - Chapter 6

Karin had to catch up to those boys and talk them into not going to the top of that building and being crushed flat. Karin was only on the second floor and the boys were probably on the sixth floor by now. The rumbling grew louder. The building started to shake. Karin ran as fast as she could, up the stairs, and into the sixth hallway, but the boys were nowhere to be seen. Karin needed a faster way to get upstairs. She spied an elevator. Twelve. Twelve levels of the building in all. The boys were now probably on level ten by now. While Karin zoomed up to level ten, she thought that she should try to take some of the equipment to lift Mars into it’s original position. First she’d have to catch up with those boys.


  1. Evan, I'm totally loving this!! Do you have the whole thing planned out a;ready, or are you developing it chapter by chapter?

  2. I'm doing it chapter by chapter. If you have any suggestions, post it in the comments.

  3. Evan,

    I'm enjoying your story so much! What a great idea this was! In fact it gave me a great idea for our next project at school. I can't wait to read more.

    Mrs. Payne
