
Sunday, January 11, 2009

Mars 3000 - Chapter 1

Karin was in bed. “Come on, Karin!” Her mom yelled impatiently for the 8th time. Karin stared out her window, paying no attention to the foyer outside of her room. “Snow! Snow!” She said, shaking her fists. The forecast called for snow. A few white flurries had been seen outside her window. “Any minute now!” said the radio. Karin grabbed her glasses from the bedside table. Karin’s mom turned away. Karin’s heart beat fast. PLUNK! An enormous amount of snow dropped outside Karin’s window. “Could it really happen so fast?” thought Karin. A big red ball dropped down with it. Suddenly, a call came on the radio. “Who is this?” said the person on the radio. “Evan Bruce. I just wanted to say that eyewitnesses have seen a big red ball drop from the sky followed by a heavy snowfall, and we’ve seen that the ball is pushing down snow clouds. Some have already seen about 6 feet of snow at 5 am in the morning.” Karin dropped her fists. She was a late one. But what was this red ball? “Perhaps I should go and see for myself.” She said. She bundled up, and snuck out the window.

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