
Sunday, January 11, 2009

Mars 3000 - Chapter 2

Karin was stuck outside in the freezing cold. Then she saw it better. The tip of the red ball nestled on top of about five buildings, and only the smallest tip. The rest of the smallest tip was up in the clouds, which meant this thing was the size of a planet. Then Karin did what most 11 year olds would do. She ran. She ran until she was lost and tripped over, buried in the snow, hat pulled over her face. “Now I know what it feels like to have the wool pulled over my eyes.” She said. And she did what most lost 11 year olds would do. She panicked. She knew what had fallen on the buildings and caused heavy snowfall. Planet Mars. She was lost and afraid, but she also had always wanted to go to Mars. Her heart pumped fast and her stomach grew tight. She was too lost and afraid to think about that now.


  1. Super job Evan. ...can't wait 'til tomorrow to read the next chapter.

    Grandma and I are very proud of you.
    We love you lots too!!!

  2. Thanks! We will try to post the next chapter each night.

  3. I love it Evan! I laughed out loud at the "wool pulled over my eyes" part.

  4. The "wool over my eyes" line made me laugh out loud!
