
Sunday, October 25, 2009

Wednesday, October 7, 2009


Monday, August 31, 2009

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Saturday, June 27, 2009

Drum Solo

Song - Flying Kites

My latest song titled 'Flying Kites"

Jack's Tales - Chapter 2 When Things Go Wrong...

At school that day, Jack was late. The school bully, Daren Green was following Jack around calling him names like “potty stall” and “the jackhammer” and things like that. He got a C on his test and tripped on a pencil. There was a substitute teacher who called Jack Jake, no matter how many times Jack told her his real name. “Today is a bad hair day,” thought Jack as he looked in the bathroom mirror and remembered he forgot to comb his hair. “What else could go wrong?” Suddenly, the loudspeaker blared, “Jake Stool, report to the office.” That was a familiar voice. It was the substitute! Jack unhappily ran to the office. “You threw sticks at the kindergartners, Jake!” cried the substitute. She actually had to leave class to tell him this. “This is a misunderstanding,” said Jack. “You’re talking about Jake Blunt! I saw him!” After school, Jack sat down on the bench, waiting for his bus. Suddenly, a girl walked toward him. “Hello,” she said. “Did you have a bad day? I can tell by the look on your face.” “Yeah.” replied Jack. “Hey, are you new?” “Yes,” said the girl. “My name is April.” Jack thought he had found a new friend.

Sunday, May 31, 2009

Sitting In With Sundown Songs From New Orleans

Rocking Out At Sam Ash

Jack's Tales - Chapter 1

Jack Stall was an ordinary person. Well, he was until the day he met April Johnson. “Wake up!” cried Jack’s mom for the umpteenth time. Jack was watching birds outside his window with a far-off look on his face. “I don’t care what’s happening in La-La Land, I just want you to get up! “Maybe,” replied Jack in a lazy drawl. Although Jack hadn’t noticed, his mother’s face was as red as a lobster. “Okay,” she calmed down a bit. “I’m leaving this room for one minute and if I come back and you’re still in bed, you lose your video games for a week.” The word “video games” got Jack’s attention. He hopped out of bed, but CRASH! tripped on his blanket and landed in a heap. “Another bad hair day,” said Jack. Luckily, the day couldn’t be so bad because Jack couldn’t get up on the wrong side of the bed. One side of his bed was against the wall, so there was only one side to get up on. Jack stood up with his blanket tangled around him just as his mom came in the room. He gave her a sheepish grin. “Wrong side of the bed?” he asked.

The answer to number 3

Jim is the famous star.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Title - WAVE

Jammin with Uncle Scot

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Song - Fax Machine

Newest song titled Fax Machines by Evan Nork featuring Liam Nork on vocals:

Fax Machine

Saturday, April 4, 2009


Sunday, March 8, 2009

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Song - Everything Is All You Need

Here is another new song. Enjoy!

Where Is Jim? - Number 3

The answer to Number 2 was - Jim is the movie star.

Where Is Jim - Number 3
The grocery store checkout line is long but luckily, a very famous star gets to by his things first. Behind him is Lucy and behind her, the two cool kids are fighting for who will be in front. One kid knocks his grocery bag and eggs spill out. Behind them is a nerd, and behind him is a cool and attractive kid. Where is Jim?

Latest Song - "Big Sky"

Hope you like it!

Saturday, January 31, 2009

Where Is Jim? - Number 2

The answer for "Where Is Jim?" - Number 1 is... "Jim is juggling."

The movie theater is bustling with people. Two kids buy popcorn and one kid is excited because he’s starring in a show for all the stories he’s in. One kid is running, trips on his shoelace and catches somebody else’s cotton candy. Eventually, everyone makes it to the theater. Where is Jim?

Latest Song - "The New Thing"

Here is the latest mix-down titled "The New Thing". Hope you like it!

Sunday, January 25, 2009


Here is my latest song titled "Rise"

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Download The Latest MP3s

Quite a few people have told me they are having trouble streaming my songs through the site and others have asked if they can download copies to put on their ipods. Here are direct links to my three latest songs for you to download. You can right click on each of these and choose 'save to my computer'. Please let me know what you think!

Life - Click Here

Instrumental - Click Here

Evolving - Click Here

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Where Is Jim? - Number 1

Sunnyside beach is bustling with kids of all ages and they are wearing crazy clothes. The kids are clapping for the star as he juggles and two cool kids are doing cannonballs into the ocean. One is so big, it crashes on Lucy’s sandcastle. Lucy shakes her fist and starts building a new sandcastle. Ballerinas line the shore and dance with an attractive boy but he wishes he could juggle. The beach is cool, but where is Jim?

Next Story Titled "Where Is Jim?"

From now on I will be posting short “Where is Jim?” stories. These stories are about a boy named Jim who is always somewhere, but you have to find out where he is using the clues in the text. It will improve reading skills, and will also be fun! Post your answer in the comments and have fun!

Monday, January 19, 2009


Here's a third song I wrote. Hope you enjoy it!

Mars 3000 - Chapter 10

“Goodbye, Robby, goodbye Billy.” said Karin as she turned down the street. She could now see her house from a distance. Snow started to fall heavily as she trudged up the street. She could spy Robby and Billy waving at her and she waved back. “Happy birthday, Billy!” called Karin. About ten minutes later, Karin reached her yard. She walked in the door to find her mom there. “Karin, have you been outside this whole time?” she asked. “Oh, yes Mom. I was careful of the red ball and maybe helped get it off those buildings.” “Remember, sweetie.” said Karin’s mother. “Ask first before you go out there. I hope you were close to this house.” her mother now looked stern. “Oh, yes mom!” said Karin. Karin went into the kitchen to find cocoa waiting on the table. “Thank you, mom.” said Karin. Suddenly, the doorbell rang. “Oh, Karin!” said he person who walked in. Karin’s dad. “Hi dad!” said Karin. “There was news about a giant red ball landing on Earth and miraculously, it got lifted off somehow. You two sure look calm.” said Karin’s father. “Oh, yes.” said Karin, taking a sip of hot cocoa. “Oh yes.”


Sunday, January 18, 2009

Mars 3000 - Chapter 9

The elevator came to a stop and all three kids piled out of it. Unfortunately, Robby had to carry the magnet. Karin and Billy had found a rope and Karin had tied it to the magnet to make it easier to carry. “Uh oh!” yelled Robby as the building rumbled. “Duck!” cried Karin. Everyone ducked but Robby. “Robby, what are you thinking?” shouted Karin. But Mars didn’t fall on them. The magnet had worked! Suddenly, Mars lifted and pieces of the building fell into one big avalanche. “Let’s go!” cried Karin. Everyone tumbled into the elevator and went down. They were in the main hallway and they all escaped.

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Mars 3000 - Chapter 8

“Let’s find a force field, Robby!” said Karin. “How do you know my name?” asked Robby in shock. “I have ears.” replied Karin. That’s it!” she said “This magnet could repel Mars’s surface!” “Ha!” shouted Billy. He was fooling around with some wires. “Billy, get those off you!” yelled Robby. “Robby, Robby, come look at this!” said Karin. Robby took the wires off Billy and wandered over to her. “Well, won’t you look at that!” he said. There was a magnet. A magnet that they could use. “Hurry, let’s get it to level twelve!” said Karin. “Well, lets just see if there still is a level twelve.” said Robby. They zoomed up the elevator.


Here is a second song I wrote. It's a TI mashup.

Friday, January 16, 2009

Mars 3000 - Chapter 7

The building was shaking furiously. Robby and Billy were holding on to bars on the walls. “This is not a good way to get ready for my birthday.” said Billy. “Don’t worry.” said Robby. “We’ll escape.” DING! The elevator door opened to reveal Karin. “Oh.” said Robby. “It’s that girl again.” “Come with me.” beckoned Karin. Robby and Billy followed. The elevator shot down, Karin and all. “Let’s take some equipment from those techies and try to use some force field on Mars or something.” “Duh!” said Robby. “There is no such thing as a force field that strong!” “Come on!” said Karin. “Let’s just try it! They reached the office and fortunately, it was empty. There were Macs and PCs with screensavers on and an old computer tower that had been taken apart and turned into some kind of insect-like robot that had arms and legs. There was clearly the place where the hot-wiring man stood, all a mound of electronic machines hooked together and the red and black music note glossy that had been printed by the man with a scanner which now sat deserted on the floor. Then, they saw it. Outside, all the techies were running frantically. “Uh oh!” said Karin and Robby together.


This is a song I wrote that you can listen to while you read.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Mars 3000 - Chapter 6

Karin had to catch up to those boys and talk them into not going to the top of that building and being crushed flat. Karin was only on the second floor and the boys were probably on the sixth floor by now. The rumbling grew louder. The building started to shake. Karin ran as fast as she could, up the stairs, and into the sixth hallway, but the boys were nowhere to be seen. Karin needed a faster way to get upstairs. She spied an elevator. Twelve. Twelve levels of the building in all. The boys were now probably on level ten by now. While Karin zoomed up to level ten, she thought that she should try to take some of the equipment to lift Mars into it’s original position. First she’d have to catch up with those boys.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Mars 3000 - Chapter 5

“So.” thought Karin. “His name is Robby.” She eventually reached the building, too. “Uh, guys!” she said. “Guys!” The boys were already up the first flight of stairs. Karin felt a quiver. Meanwhile, the boys were running down a narrow hallway inside the building. Behind glass doors sat people reading books, fumbling around with computer equipment, and using laptops and desktop computers. There was even someone hot-wiring television sets, telephones, electric instruments, computer keyboards, you name it. “Hey Bob!” said the man hot wiring electric instruments. “This here is the best electronic orchestra in the world! “Good!” said a man plugging in a scanner. In a flash, a poster size glossy came out of a printer in the back of the room to reveal a picture of a black and red music note. “Awesome!” said the man hot-wiring. “This is for you.” The man said. He peeled off the backing to reveal a sticky surface. “Adhesive! Cool!” said the man hot wiring. The boys were already getting closer to the top of the building, but Karin had seen it all. The roof rumbled. “Is that your stomach Bob?” said the hot-wiring man. “It isn’t even close to lunchtime!” “It’s not my stomach, Fred.” Said Bob. “But with them prowlers about you never know what’s going to blow.”

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Mars 3000 - Chapter 4

Karin waited about two minutes, and surprisingly, Billy ran out and saw Mars perched on top of the buildings. “Whoa!” he yelled. Billy fell back in the snow. “What happened!” cried Karin. Billy rubbed his eyes. “Well?” said Karin. “Whoa.” repeated Billy. “Big! Big Big Big!” Karin rolled her eyes. “I know!” she said “Only are you okay?” Billy got up and started to run to the street. I’ve got to stop that kid! About ten feet away, the older boy called for Billy. “Billy! Billy! Come over here!” But the older boy decided to follow Billy. “Look at me Robby!” cried Billy. Karin started to chase them both. In a flash, Billy was at the doorway of one of the buildings. Now Karin’s heart beat faster. She knew that the boys would get in trouble for running across the street by themselves, and Karin would be in even more trouble for going farther.

Monday, January 12, 2009

Mars 3000 - Chapter 3

Karin ran in circles, trying to figure out what to do. Her nice toasty house was a long way away and Karin was so afraid, she didn’t know which way she ran. Now she was on the edge of the woods, overlooking a sunny sky but snow was still on the ground. There was a sports field, with two boys rolling around and having fun, paying no attention to Mars’s crash landing. One boy looked about Karin’s age, the other obviously his little brother. “Hi…” she started to say. But the boys were too far away. “I’m freezing. Let’s go inside.” said the older boy. “No!” yelled the younger one. “Billy, your 5th birthday is tomorrow! Let’s go inside to make the cake!” said the older one. “Cake! I love cake!” cried Billy and ran after him. Karin decided she should hang around in the field and wait to see if those boys came out again.

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Mars 3000 - Chapter 2

Karin was stuck outside in the freezing cold. Then she saw it better. The tip of the red ball nestled on top of about five buildings, and only the smallest tip. The rest of the smallest tip was up in the clouds, which meant this thing was the size of a planet. Then Karin did what most 11 year olds would do. She ran. She ran until she was lost and tripped over, buried in the snow, hat pulled over her face. “Now I know what it feels like to have the wool pulled over my eyes.” She said. And she did what most lost 11 year olds would do. She panicked. She knew what had fallen on the buildings and caused heavy snowfall. Planet Mars. She was lost and afraid, but she also had always wanted to go to Mars. Her heart pumped fast and her stomach grew tight. She was too lost and afraid to think about that now.

Mars 3000 - Chapter 1

Karin was in bed. “Come on, Karin!” Her mom yelled impatiently for the 8th time. Karin stared out her window, paying no attention to the foyer outside of her room. “Snow! Snow!” She said, shaking her fists. The forecast called for snow. A few white flurries had been seen outside her window. “Any minute now!” said the radio. Karin grabbed her glasses from the bedside table. Karin’s mom turned away. Karin’s heart beat fast. PLUNK! An enormous amount of snow dropped outside Karin’s window. “Could it really happen so fast?” thought Karin. A big red ball dropped down with it. Suddenly, a call came on the radio. “Who is this?” said the person on the radio. “Evan Bruce. I just wanted to say that eyewitnesses have seen a big red ball drop from the sky followed by a heavy snowfall, and we’ve seen that the ball is pushing down snow clouds. Some have already seen about 6 feet of snow at 5 am in the morning.” Karin dropped her fists. She was a late one. But what was this red ball? “Perhaps I should go and see for myself.” She said. She bundled up, and snuck out the window.


Hello. I am writing a story where each chapter comes out daily. If you like this story, come back every day for a new chapter of my story, Mars 3000. You’re sure to like it with adventure and exciting turns around every corner! So, I hope you can come every day to read a new chapter of this fun-filled story.

Hello World!

The Wovel is coming!